U.S. Surgeon General: Warm Handoffs Are ‘Immediate Priority’

On Thursday, October 24, the Senate Finance Committee held a full committee hearing on the topic of substance abuse in the United States. Among the witnesses was the Surgeon General of the United States, Jerome M. Adams, MD, MPH. Dr. Adams detailed the current approach of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), highlighted reasons for optimism, and identified areas where continued efforts are necessary.

Dr. Adams stated that “HHS’s immediate priorities include…emergency department medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs with warm handoffs following overdose…”.

Michael C. Barnes, JD and Daniel C. McClughen, JD authored one of the first-ever law review articles on the topic of warm-handoffs. The article was published in the Fall 2018 issue of the University of Memphis Law Review. Mr. Barnes and Mr. McClughen have continued their work on warm handoffs through the Warm Handoff Initiative, an initiative of the Center for U.S. Policy.

Read the entire testimony of the Surgeon General and other witnesses.

Read the Barnes & McClughen article on warm-handoffs.

Learn more about the Warm Handoff Initiative.